Spacetime With Stuart Gary

51: It’s Asteroid Day



NEW! Help support SpaceTime and keep Stuart fed (you can also get access to bonus content, a commercial-free version of the show…and more as we think of it).…by becoming a patron. Become a part of our team... details at our Patreon page... With this episode we salute: Jeff Thieleke David Guinness Peter Scott Thank you for your support…it’s very much appreciated. Stream Episodes on demand from or (both mobile friendly) *It’s Asteroid day June 30 is asteroid day – marking the anniversary of Earth’s largest asteroid impact in recorded history, the 1908 Tunguska event when an asteroid airburst about ten kilometres above the Tunguska river region of Siberia in eastern Russia. The blast devastated 2150 square kilometers of forest leaving some 80 million trees flattened and reduced to matchwood and lit up the night skies in London -- a third of the way around the globe. *The effects of a major asteroid impact on Earth A ne