Spacetime With Stuart Gary

59: Lunar water more common than thought



Thank you to our growing Patreon group. Your support is very much appreciated. You can help support SpaceTime too, by becoming a patron...and we have rewards for you. Do your bit to keep Stuart fed and housed... details at our Patreon page... Stream episodes on demand from (mobile friendly) *Lunar water more common than thought There could be a lot more water on the Moon than previously thought. New Satellite readings indicate that numerous volcanic deposits spread across the lunar surface contain unusually high amounts of water compared with surrounding terrains. The findings mean there could be as much water in the lunar mantle was what there is in mantle basalts on Earth. *Dark Matter more likely to be cold rather than fuzzy Scientists trying understand dark matter now believe it’s far more likely to be big and cold rather than light and fuzzy. The new findings are based on a study of the intergalactic medium – the stuff that fills the vast, la