Spacetime With Stuart Gary

60: Planet Earth’s close asteroid encounter



Help support SpaceTime by becoming a patron...and we have rewards for you. Do your bit to keep Stuart fed and housed... details at our Patreon page... Stream episodes on demand from (mobile friendly) *Planet Earth’s close asteroid encounter On October 12 an asteroid known as 2012 TC4 will fly just 6800 kilometres above the surface of the Earth - far below the orbits of many satellites. The 40 metre wide asteroid won’t hit the Earth this time – but it will be about as close as possible while still passing safely. *The mystery of the cosmic cold spot deepens Astronomers are still at a loss to explain a giant cosmic cold spot in their large-scale maps of the universe. A new study has ruled out the most likely suspect – a gigantic supervoid – leaving the door open for more exotic explanations like a collision between universes. *Evidence the Higgs turns into quarks There’s new evidence that the Higgs Boson decays into smaller elemental quark particles