Arts & Seizures

Episode 101: Arts & Seizures Debuts with Perp Walk



Mike Edison & Judy McGuire are back this week with a whole new show; welcome to Art & Seizures! For their debut episode, Mike & Judy invite Perp Walk into the studio! Perp Walk is a band composed of Bunny Hersch and Roger Clark that play minimalist rock ‘n’ roll using only a bass guitar and drum kit. If you live in NYC, you might recognize Roger from NY1! Tune into this episode to hear some of Perp Walk’s tunes, and find out about some of the opinions surrounding the NYC Mayoral Democratic primaries. Tune into this episode to hear the gang talk about the importance of local news, and find out where you can catch Perp Walk’s live shows in the upcoming week’s. Thanks to our sponsor, Roberta’s. “A lot of people don’t put local news and punk rock together.” [17:30] — Roger Clark on Arts & Seizures