Feast Yr Ears

Episode 2: Bread and Life



Anthony Butler Executive Director of St. John’s Bread and Life joins Harry to talk about feeding the underserved of NY. People need to eat 365 days a year, and Tony and his team are there to help. More than just a handout, Bread and Life teaches people to cook, how to shop, helps them learn to read, do their taxes and a whole lot more. They’re addressing many issues that are all interconnected and doing amazing things in Bed-Stuy Brooklyn. Stay tuned for a talk about the papal visit to NY as well.  This program was brought to you by Whole Foods Brooklyn. “We’re really changing, at least in our own little local world, the diet of folks – exposing them to new food.” [10:54] “We have a digital food pantry because I wanted to give people choice, and I also wanted to understand how people are using food because I have an obligation to be a good steward of the funds and resources that are given to Bread and Life.” [12:53] –Anthony Butler on Feast Yr Ears