Feast Yr Ears

More Coffee, Always Coffee



Kaleena Teoh and Sum Ngai were friends in school back in Malaysia, but it wasn't until years later in NY that they decided to start Coffee Project NY. It was a small local shop in the East Village at first, but pretty soon it took on a life of it's own and in order to support staff growth and the industry at large they opened more shops along with their training center in Long Island City that is New York State's only Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) training campus. All in the name of better coffee. Kaleena Teoh and Sum Ngai were friends in school back in Malaysia, but it wasn't until years later in NY that they decided to start Coffee Project NY. It was a small local shop in the East Village at first, but pretty soon it took on a life of it's own and in order to support staff growth and the industry at large they opened more shops along with their training center in Long Island City that is New York State's only Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) training campus. All in the name of better coffee. Heritage