Zero Knowledge

Episode 308: Avail's Approach to DA with Prabal Banerjee



In this week’s episode, Anna ( catches up with Prabal Banerjee (, co-founder of Avail ( They deep dive into Prabal’s career, starting with his work in academia, his move to Polygon and to his spinning out the Avail project. They discuss how the project was built, tech decisions and the motivations behind them as well as their use of KZG, validity proofs and their position within the Ethereum and wider blockchain ecosystem. They go on to revisit Data Availability and the interaction with different parts of the modular blockchain stack, comparing Avail to competing systems and cover edge-cases and their impact in a DA-secured stack. Here’s some additional links for this episode: ( Fraud and Data Availability Proofs: Maximising Light Client Security and Scaling Blockchains with Dishonest Majorities by Al-Bassam, Sonnino and Buterin (