Duane Sheriff Ministries - Feed

Safeguards Against Deception | Part 6



The Lord warns deception in the last days will cause believers to depart from the faith through false teachings, deceiving spirits, and doctrines of devils. Brother Duane teaches how to safeguard ourselves against this deception through the fear of the Lord. This fear enables us to discern and resist evil and ultimately thrive in wisdom and righteousness. The fear of the Lord is reverential and empowers us, compared to the debilitating fear of man. Many misconceptions about fear exist, such as the idea that misfortune is always self-inflicted. The story of Job is a great example of how to worship God even when our friends have misguided judgments. A lifestyle of true worship nurtures a relationship with God anchored in reverence and obedience. It is a safeguard against deception and an example that integrity can be maintained even through life's fiercest storms.