Tribe Byron Bay

Episode 160: Maria Mason - Prophetic Word for Tribe Church - “Bees are Community Creatures who Prosper the Hive, For the Honey!” - 14 January 2024



Honey bees are super-important pollinators for flowers, fruits and vegetables. This means that they help other plants grow! All honey bees are social insects and live together in nests or hives. The honeybee is remarkable for its movements in the hive to communicate information to its fellow bees about the location, distance, size, and quality of a particular food source in the surrounding area!Bees all have roles to play, and they do their part within the community! Lots could be said here, but Maria then shared from the acronym of BEES - 4 key areas that God is getting us to build as a community this year and that we are going after! 

B for Business - we are actively growing business in 2024 to create Kingdom wealth and blessings. We are reigniting the business breakfast and will host speakers this year to help us grow Kingdom business mindsets!E for Evangelism - we are also reigniting the evangelism push into the region with a team who are working on several fronts to promote the healing and salvation we