Dense Pixels

Legally-Distinct Pokemon (PalWorld, Comfortable Not Owning Games, Halo Infinite)



The game PalWorld has achieved over 5 million copies sold in just three days; we have questions about its potential longevity and whether it will become a gaming juggernaut. Ubisoft's subscription boss suggests that consumers need to be comfortable with not owning games, reflecting a shift in the gaming industry towards subscription models. Rocksteady Studios founders have established a new studio called Hundred Star Games; what does that portend for Rocksteady Studios? Square Enix experimented with AI technology for FoamStars; is this the beginning of a slippery slope? A GDC survey reveals that one-third of developers have been impacted by layoffs in the last 12 months, shedding light on challenges within the gaming workforce. The announcement of Halo Infinite's Season 5 being the last and the switch to smaller updates raises discussions on the game's classification as a success or failure. Lastly, a quirky note about speedrunning a dog are mentioned.