Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach

Ep 121: Out of Ideas? Be an Idea Machine



Writers have to churn out content of all kinds, from blog articles and guest posts to magazine pitches and book proposals. You never want the well to run dry, yet you may have faced days when you opened your laptop and stared at the screen without a single idea. It’s kind of scary. You think, “That’s it. My career is over. I’ve used up the creativity I was allotted in life. Now I need to go flip burgers at Mickey D’s." No, no, no. Let me assure you that’s not how it works. The well never needs to run dry. Thankfully, whether you need ideas for blogging, essays, creative nonfiction, poems, short stories or novels, ideas abound. You can find things to write about all around you, just waiting to be explored, developed, and written into existence. With a little experimentation, you’re sure to find least a few things to write about next time you open that laptop. Evening Reflection One of my favorite methods for churning out ideas is "Evening Reflection.” I first heard about this a couple of years ago via Mike