Hallel Fellowship

Seal of God vs. mark of the beast: How distressed are we about the hearts of humanity? (Exodus 1–5)



This study of Torah section שְׁמוֹת Shemot ("names," Exodus 1:1–6:1) delves into the relevance of Moshe beyond Israel's history, highlighting universal themes of crying out for deliverance and Heaven's response. God hears enslaved Israel's cries for liberation and ultimately delivers, irrespective of individuals' goodness. Adonai's deliverance of Israel from the "house of bondage" (Joshua 24:17) parallels each of our salvation and is why the crucifixion of the ultimate Deliverer — Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus the Christ) took place on Pesach (Passover), the annual memorial of Israel's freedom from Mitzraim (Egypt). This one of the "appointments of Adonai" (Leviticus 23:1) isn't just for Jews. Rather, it's part of Heaven's unfolding reunion plan with humanity.