Theology Thursday

ThThurs: 1 John Pt. 10



It's telethon month! We are at $5,487 of our $25,000 goal! We're looking to fund a full-fledged media team for 2024. You may have noticed we didn't have a single telethon last year, because of supporters like you who have given us stability. But now, we're looking to go bigger and better. With your help, we'll be able to equip thousands of Christians, strengthen the faith, and bring the gospel to the lost! Sponsor a Show! Click here to help keep us broadcasting! If you would like to help support our shows, consider sponsoring a broadcast! Monthly sponsorships are the very best way to help us stay on air. Or head over to our store and purchase a product or sign up for a monthly subscription. (All monthly charges are multiplied by 10, then applied towards our telethon goal). Why it Matters: Bob Enyart Live (BEL) The ministries of so many Godly leaders, authors & preachers have been magnified tenfold, or even a hundredfold after their passing. Think of C.S. Lewis, and how he still, today has