John Clay Wolfe Show

JCW ARCHIVE: 11 Beer Haul



Happy New Year! Let's make a toast to the archives, just don't drive! When they first started cracking down on DUI's in the 70's, proud Americans were just trying to protect their God given freedoms, but John has seen just how scary a late night 25,000 lb haul with a seasoned drinker can be. How many beers will it take before young John starts to think uhhhh, this isnt a good idea? Let's find out!   Thanks for joining us for this week's #JCWPodcast #JCWArchive. Please don't forget to Like, Share, and most importantly, Subscribe--to make sure you get the latest John Clay Wolfe Show materials as soon as they're released! So keep an eye out for those spinal fusions...and we'll see you Saturday