Podcast By Crystal Andrus Morissette

I Need More!



This was such a kickass episode to kick off the year, and we received great feedback from the live callers. We're so excited for you to hear it! During this episode, Melanie calls in. She shares that as a fellow coach, she knows that coaches are "supposed to be perfect," but honestly, she's feeling a little stuck and beaten down. She shares that her tank is empty, and she's having trouble finding the desire to do better. Melanie says that journalling isn't doing it, gratitude isn't doing it—and she's feeling at a standstill. She needs some inspiration. Having lost 103 pounds and been on her game as a coach in the industry, Melanie recently moved from California to a rural area in Texas and is having trouble finding her groove and, most importantly, her people. Melanie shares that she's let 30 lbs creep back on, and though she knows "what to do" and how to get the weight off, she's feeling stagnant and "invisible" and doesn't know where to go from here. This is a conversation about finding your "tribe," qu