Theology Thursday

ThThurs: Genesis Creation Pt. 13



It's telethon month! Today's day #4 and we're looking for $25,000 to build up a full-fledged media team. You may have noticed we didn't have a single telethon last year, because of supporters like you who have given us stability! But now, we're looking to go bigger and better. We need your support which will help us get out more and better content in the years to come. Not only will we be putting out more content, but this will also allow us to promote the entire Bob Enyart Library of content. Just like how C.S. Lewis' ministry was magnified 1,000-fold after his death, we believe Bob's ministry will be too. To make this dream a reality, head over to our store and make a donation, purchase a product or sign up for a monthly subscription. (All monthly charges are multiplied by 10, then applied towards our telethon goal). Genesis-Creation: A rock cannot make itself and a fire cannot burn forever. Matter cannot come from non-matter and a perpetual motion machine cannot exist. Therefore, the universe could not h