Heart Wisdom With Jack Kornfield

Ep. 214 – Right Attitude



Exploring the liberating step of Right Attitude, Jack illuminates how we can break free from our automatic habits by becoming fully conscious of them.Today's podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp. Click to receive 10% off your first month with your own licensed professional therapist: betterhelp.com/heartwisdom"There's a strength of heart that comes when we don't just follow our habit. It's a strengthening of heart that brings a sense of wellbeing or purity. Because we begin to train ourselves that we don't have to follow all our habits and all our desires." – Jack KornfieldIn this episode, Jack mindfully explores:Right Attitude / Right Thought as one of the steps on the Buddha's Noble Eightfold PathThe three aspects of Right Attitude: openness/exploration, renunciation/effort, love/non-harmingWorking with our unique personality in this incarnationThe importance of adding fire to our spiritual practiceBreaking free from our automatic habits by bringing conscious awareness to themRam Dass and becoming a "con