Savage Nation With Michael Savage

THE BEST OF TIMES, THE WORST OF TIMES- Can GOD save AMERICA from the ravages of BIDEN? - #662



In this fiery broadcast, Savage voices his concerns about America's deteriorating state under President Biden, criticizing the corruption and debauchery emanating from Washington. Can America be saved from this time of chaos and destruction? Are we powerless against the Biden regime? He likens America to a shipwreck under Biden, with a deranged captain and a complicit media that supports the president despite his disastrous actions. He then reflects on the value of knowing the truth in these dark times as congressional aides debase the halls of Congress and Jill Biden degrades the White House. He shares his thoughts on the power of prayer and his personal experiences of feeling closer to God through music, nature, and communal worship. He recounts experiencing God's presence in a Harlem Baptist church and a Fijian village, but laments that many modern houses of worship lack the same sense of connection. He contrasts the authentic religiosity found in congregations and religious institutions with the commercia