Whence Came You? - Freemasonry Discussed And Masonic Research For Today's Freemason

Whence Came You? - 0620 - Current World Psychology: Freemasonry is a Great Answer



This week, we're diving into the world of psychology and exploring how things affect our level of happiness and living a life of purpose. Then, we'll look into an often-overlooked element of the Nietzschean philosophy in Eternal Recurrence. Thanks for listening and have an amazing week! Links: No Escape: Nietzsche’s Concept of Eternal Recurrence https://blog.philosophicalsociety.org/2023/05/01/no-escape-nietzsches-concept-of-eternal-recurrence/ Perspective-changing experiences, good or bad, can lead to richer lives https://www.sciencenews.org/article/good-life-happy-meaning-richness-change-experiences-psychology Skull and Crown Ltd. www.skullandcrownltd.com Craftsman+ FB Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/craftsmanplus/ WCY Podcast YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/WhenceCameYou Ancient Modern Initiation: Special Edition http://www.wcypodcast.com/the-Shop The Master's Word- A Short Treatise on the Word, the Light, and the Self - Autographed https://wcypodcast.com/the-shop Get the new book!