Theology Thursday

ThThurs: Deuteronomy Pt. 11



  Deuteronomy: Relive young Israel's crucial moments, from their refusal to enter the Promised Land to the miracles and battles of the desert years. The name Deuteronomy signifies the retelling of the law. And learn the major lessons and the nuances of the biblical law as Moses summarizes God's precepts and reiterates the Ten Commandments. What is the greatest commandment? What is the second greatest? And what laws do those two encapsulate? After the two most important tiers of law, of law toward God and law toward man, how should we understand the remaining laws like tithing and the symbolic regulations? Enjoy these studies!    The Deuteronomy Bible study is available on MP3-CD or MP3 Download.   BEL SUBSCRIPTIONS: Please consider one of our monthly subscriptions that will not only help support BEL, but they also promote better understanding of the Bible and may equip you to more effectively reach those around you. NEW Monthly Downloads: Enjoy your monthly subscriptions downloaded rather than on disc.