Acc Nation Podcast

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First things first. Jim and Will share some perspective regarding recent actions by the CFP committee. Now that we've gotten past the 'click-rage' point of the story it's time to think it through and come to some reasonable conclusions. Easier said then done, right? Both guys throw in their two-cents worth on how Florida State came up on the short end of the stick in the playoffs. Next up, a look at all the CFP ranked teams and the bowls that they'll be headed to over the next few weeks. A lot can change personnel wise between now and then but you'll get their thoughts on who has a good shot at winning. Listen To Us On ACC Nation Radio 24/7 Perspective Florida State also picked up another 'futbol' championship as the women's soccer team rolled to a decisive win over Stanford in the NCAA title game that wrapped as the program was being recorded. The NCAA men's soccer semifinals will feature Notre Dame against Oregon State and West Virginia faces Clemson. In other NCAA action the third round