Welcome To Night Vale

138 - Harvest Time



It is a time of reaping, sowing, and rebirth. This episode was co-written with Brie Williams. Weather: “Friend or Foe” by Low Power https://soundcloud.com/lowpowermusic Podcon 2 is coming back to Seattle next January! Don’t miss this incredible weekend for podcast listeners, makers, and fans. (And if you’re coming to Podcon, check out our live shows at the Neptune Theater that Friday!) https://www.podcon.com Need a gift for the Night Vale fan in your life, or for someone who appreciates cool and creepy stuff? Check out our store for super cool and creepy stuff by some super cool and not creepy artists! https://topatoco.com/collections/wtnv Music: Disparition http://disparition.info Logo: Rob Wilson http://robwilsonwork.com Written by Joseph Fink & Jeffrey Cranor. Narrated by Cecil Baldwin.  http://welcometonightvale.com Follow us on Twitter @NightValeRadio or Facebook. Produced by Night Vale Presents.  http://nightvalepresents.com