Solar Energy Show

I'm Electrifying! How do I upgrade My Solar System?



When you electrify your home – with a heat pump HVAC system, EV charger, induction cooktop or heat pump water heater – your demand for electricity will go up. Duh. Or as Tim Allen would say: “I need more power.” Incentives as part of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) help reduce the upfront costs of these electrification upgrades. But the only way to reduce the operating costs of these new electrical appliances is with more solar power on your roof. But upgrading an old solar system is not for the faint of heart. New solar inverters and panels are unlikely to be compatible with your existing system. Your utility may restrict the number of panels you can add. And sometimes your electrical service may require an upgrade to handle the higher power output from your upgraded solar system. Keep in mind these three recommendations. First, it is relatively easy to add a battery to an existing system. Second, seriously consider replacing the entire system if it is over 15 years old. And third, work with an experien