Hope Presbyterian Church In Winston-salem Sermons

The Promised Deliverer



Series: Promise-Keeping GodScripture: Genesis 3:1-19 “‘The Son of Man,’ Jesus says, ‘comes at a time you don’t think’ (in an hour that seems like nothing to you). To be ready for that, therefore, all you have to do is wait in faith for nothing — that is, for death. And the only way of being unready is to cut short that waiting by unfaith — to dash off on material or spiritual excursions we think will give us life. But our life does not consist in the abundance of things we possess (Luke 12:15). Rather our life is hid with Christ in God (Col. 3:3) and the mystery of Jesus’ death and resurrection. He who loses his life for Jesus’ sake, therefore, will find it.” Robert Capon “Oh, the devil’s singing over me an age old song That I am cursed and gone astray Singing the first verse so conveniently over me He’s forgotten the refrain: ‘Jesus saves!’” Shane & Shane “The good news of Advent is not that we are faithful in our waiting (we often aren’t) but that God is faithful in his coming.” Rich Villodas