Mangala Shri Bhuti - The Link

Habitual Obscurations (Link #683)



Speaker: Bob Reid. Bob summarizes two talks given by Rinpoche at this year's Shedra. In these talks, Rinpoche discusses the topic of habitual obscurations, one of the four obscurations that hinders the progress of practitioners. Rinpoche tells us that the biggest habitual obscuration we face as practitioners is American culture conditioning. Bob sheds light on these talks with clear and concise examples, elaborating on the eight worldly dharmas, and providing a summary of the Rinpoche's teaching on four principles of Kadampa. With his humble sense of humor, insight and wisdom, Bob encourages us to review these precious teachings for ourselves in order to develop our own understanding of how habitual obscurations manifest in our personal lives, and how we can begin to overcome them.