Lactation Business Coaching With Annie And Leah

65 | Boundaries with high needs clients



We have all had those clients who seem to always need us and are always texting or emailing us (you know the ones we are talking about).When you first start your lactation business you just want to help everyone even if that means your family and personal life suffer.But as you take on more clients, you have to start setting those boundaries or it leads to frustration and burnout.In this episode, we talk about the boundaries we have set in our private practices and how we enforce them with clients.“I think some of our suffering comes from how hard we are on ourselves.” In this episode, we will cover: What our businesses looked like with no boundaries (3:55) The types of boundaries we have set in our businesses (8:53) Setting boundaries with yourself (12:38) Trainings that have helped us in our private practices (23:17)  Like this episode? Want more?The LBC podcast is ALWAYS free, thanks to contributions from supporters. Every contributed dollar counts and so do our contributors — as a thank-you gift to our to