The P.t. Entrepreneur Podcast

Ep661 | Have A Baby Or Teach A Workshop



In this podcast, Danny shares a story about one of his PT coaching clients who is a business owner. Two days before she was due to give birth, both of her staff members had emergencies come up that prevented them from running an injury screening workshop that the clinic had been working to develop with a local gym for over a year.  Though actively in labor with contractions, she decided she had to run the workshop herself to maintain the important relationship with the gym and potential client base. She took a shower, went to the workshop, and successfully ran the entire event alone. As a result, over half the attendees became new patients. She then had her baby two days later. Danny uses this story to illustrate the difference between being an employee and a business owner. As an owner, you have to be willing to sacrifice and go above and beyond for your business. In the early days especially, you'll have to say no to social plans and work long nights and weekends. You'll face stress, risk, potential failur