Anchor Bend Tx

The Principle of The First | Blessed Life - Part 3 | November 5, 2023



Our generosity is a response to God's generosity. As Pastor Jimn Kyles concludes our "Blessed to Be a Blessing" series, discover the power of honoring God with the first and best of your resources. Learn why putting God first unlocks supernatural provision and protection. Be inspired by the widow who gave her last bit of food to the prophet Elijah during famine. See how her radical obedience saved her family. Let this story stir your faith to give sacrificially. Hear the testimony of a couple whose generous miracle offering provided for the wife even after her husband passed away. This story will challenge you to trust God's faithfulness. Get equipped to walk in abundance no matter what's happening in the economy. God's principles transcend recession. Align your heart with His kingdom ways and experience breakthrough.