Hope Presbyterian Church In Winston-salem Sermons

The Gospel of God: A Church with Broken Windows



Series: The Gospel of GodScripture: Romans 3:9-20 “It was the kind of church where you could show your ugly heart to everybody and they just loved you harder and handed you a beer.” Harrison Scott Key “It can seem gentler and kinder to think of human beings as basically good, our intuitions basically correct and our motives basically pure. But then we run into the hard facts of greed, genocide, abuse, oppression, lies, tyranny, hatred, jealousy, violence, murder, enslavement and even mundane selfishness, impatience, arrogance or resentment in our own heart. … If I am a sinner, then my enemy and I have something in common: We are both wayward and in deep need of grace.” Tish Harrison Warren “We cannot present a reason for Christ to finally close off his heart to his own sheep. No such reason exists. Every human friend has a limit. If we offend enough, if a relationship gets damaged enough, if we betray enough times, we are cast out. The walls go up. With Christ, our sins and weaknesses are the very resumé item