Wellseekers With Lucia

Manifesting Your Dreams into Reality: Is It an Illusion? (part 1 of 4)



Welcome back to WellSeekers with Lucia! We are honored to be back with a brand-new four-part series deep diving into Manifestation. Manifestation is a word that has been getting a lot of attention not only within the world of wellness, but also within the world of mental health, and the world of spirituality. What is manifesting? And what is it all about? Is it just a buzz word? Or can it help you? Can it help your family? Can it help your community? Can it help our world?  On today’s show, we welcome Anna Katharina Schaffner. She is an exhaustion & burnout coach, professor of cultural history, and author of Exhaustion: A History, The Art of Self-Improvement: Ten Timeless Truths. Her writings have also appeared The Times Literary Supplement, the Guardian, Psychology Today, PositivePsychology, Aeon, PSYCHE and other places. Her research has been discussed on BBC Radio 4 and WBUR, as well as in Vogue, the Atlantic, National Geographic, the TLS, Philosophie Magazine, Psychology Today and New Republic. In thi