Wellseekers With Lucia

What’s Your Human Design Energy Type? Maybe It’s Manifesting Generator (part 2 of 4)



Welcome back to WellSeekers with Lucia! We are honored to be back with a brand-new four-part series deep diving into Manifestation. Manifestation is a word that has been getting a lot of attention not only within the world of wellness, but also within the world of mental health, and the world of spirituality. What is manifesting? And what is it all about? Is it just a buzz word? Or can it help you? Can it help your family? Can it help your community? Can it help our world?  On today’s show, we welcome Holly Herbig. Holly is a spiritual teacher, activating people into success and breakthrough. She focuses on teaching a new narrative of success to those who want to succeed by creating their own rules. Her area of highly sought after specialty is in Human Design, with a specialty focus on the energy type of 'Manifestors'. Holly will deep dive into a layered conversation about Manifestors, the Manifestor Community and how it pertains to Human Design, a system that gives you a detailed blueprint of how your energy