Wellseekers With Lucia

Manifestation: Awakening Your Sovereign Power (part 3 of 4)



Welcome back to WellSeekers with Lucia! We are honored to be back with a brand-new four-part series deep diving into Manifestation. Manifestation is a word that has been getting a lot of attention not only within the world of wellness, but also within the world of mental health, and the world of spirituality. What is manifesting? And what is it all about? Is it just a buzz word? Or can it help you? Can it help your family? Can it help your community? Can it help our world?  On today’s show, we welcome Carolini Arco. Carolini is a spiritual mentor, Reiki master teacher, ICF ACC life coach, and breathwork facilitator. She stands for human evolution and believes the best way to create change is by awakening personal power and self-leadership. She runs her global company Arco from a tropical island south of Brazil. When we go back to the origins of manifestation and to the essence of it, you can presume that we are manifesting at every single moment. But maybe not in the ways you might think. So what does manifes