Kyle Kingsbury Podcast

#328 Circling the Globe to Find a Simpler Way to Health w/ Hilda Labrada Gore



Hilda Labrada Gore of the Weston A Price Foundation’s Wise Tradtions Podcast joined us. She has traveled the world for the podcast as well as to soak up as much traditional wisdom from the elders of the indigenous peoples of the world. She is an advocate for simpler, more healthful diet and lifestyle. Today we hear about a harrowing part of her childhood health that has formed her love and vigor for life. Hilda also brings us along on some of her favorite travels and lessons. Please tune-in, enjoy and share yall!   ORGANIFI GIVEAWAY Keep those reviews coming in! Please drop a dope review and include your IG/Twitter handle and we’ll get together for some Organifi even faster moving forward.   Connect with Hilda: Website:  Instagram: @holistichilda  YouTube: Holistic Hilda  Podcast: Wise Traditions Podcast Spotify - Apple   Show Notes: "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" Weston A Price DDS "Deschooling Society" Ivan Illich "Nourishing Traditions" Sally Fallon     Sponsors: Bioptimizers To