The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

541 The Exorbitant Cost Of Leader Stress



I am putting this content together for me to remind myself that psychosomatic illness is a real thing and there are plenty of graveyards with ambitious thrusting leaders pushing up daisies, because the stress killed them.  Being an Aussie male is a health hazard.  We are taught from a young age to harden up, soldier on, keep going no matter what.  “She’ll be right” is our approach to health issues, which is why we don’t bother going to the doctor or taking good care of ourselves.  Male leaders in general, I would say, are not good at taking care of their health.  Too many fags, too much grog, not enough exercise and bad eating habits piling up one on top of the other.  We add extra kilos and can’t figure out why we can’t shake that tummy roll as well down an excellent red.  We keep working late rather than get to the gym or we are permanently tired in the morning and can’t muster the energy to get out of bed to jog or walk, to get our aerobic exercise quotient.  This is during normal times and then we get hit