The P.t. Entrepreneur Podcast

Ep616 | 6 Traits Of A Successful PT Entrepreneur



In this episode, Doc Danny and Yves Gege delve into the six essential traits that are crucial for cash practice owners to achieve success in their entrepreneurial journey. They emphasize the significance of having experience as a personal trainer, coach, or in a specific niche, as it establishes credibility within the industry. The duo also stresses the importance of cultivating grit, which encompasses patience, optimism, and persistence in the face of adversity. They highlight the need for risk tolerance, but not being overly risky, in order to make calculated and informed decisions. Being mission-driven is another trait that proves to be instrumental in attracting new clients, retaining them, and gaining valuable referrals. Additionally, they underscore the importance of patience, comfort with sales, and organizational skills for running a prosperous cash practice. Head to the link below to participate in our 5 Day Challenge!