The P.t. Entrepreneur Podcast

Ep639 | Why You Can't Judge A Book By It's Cover



In this thought-provoking episode of the podcast, Doc Danny dives into the topic of making assumptions about patients' financial situations based on their appearance. Drawing from personal experiences, he reflects on how he used to judge clients' ability to afford extensive treatment based on their clothing and car choices. However, he shares a surprising encounter with a client who defied his assumptions. Despite the client's modest attire and old car, it turned out they were one of the wealthiest individuals Danny had ever worked with, having achieved remarkable success through multiple companies and lucrative rental properties. This eye-opening experience made him realize the grave mistake he had been making by wrongly assessing clients' financial means. Head to the link below to participate in our 5 Day Challenge! Do you enjoy the podcast? If so, leave us a 5-star review on iTunes and tell a friend to do the same! Are you