The P.t. Entrepreneur Podcast

Ep642 | Productivity Hacks To Stay Focused and Get More Done



In this podcast episode, Jerred Moon and Yves delve into the topic of productivity, conquering procrastination, and sharpening focus. Jerred, a seasoned business owner, shares his personal experiences and strategies for managing multiple tasks and staying organized. He introduces his system, which originated from a basic to-do list and has evolved to include prioritizing tasks based on urgency and importance, setting goals, and time-blocking tasks. Inspired by his pilot training, Jerred developed a symbolic tracking system using dashes, pluses, and circles to represent ideas, tasks in progress, and completed tasks. The discussion then moves to the concept of focusing only on the highest priority tasks and the "two-hour test." Jerred explains that by asking oneself what they would focus on if they only had two hours to work, it becomes easier to prioritize and avoid getting caught up in busy work. He also emphasizes the importance of regularly decluttering the task list by deleting irrelevant tasks at the end