The P.t. Entrepreneur Podcast

Ep653 | What To Do When People Copy You



In this episode of our audio podcast, Doc Danny delves into a common challenge that many businesses face - dealing with other businesses copying what you do. Drawing from his own experiences with his business, Danny shares how he noticed that as his social media presence grew, other practices would swiftly replicate his exercise videos, unique messaging, and content shared on various platforms. Initially, Danny found this copying behavior to be quite irksome. However, he recalls a valuable insight he received - the act of copying is actually a form of flattery. It signifies that these other businesses recognize your success and believe that you have something worth emulating. Additionally, the act of copying often reveals a lack of knowledge and understanding on the part of the copiers, as they struggle to create their own original content. Head to the link below to participate in our 5 Day Challenge!   Do you enjoy the podcas