The P.t. Entrepreneur Podcast

Ep656 | Developing An Abundance Mindset



In this thought-provoking podcast episode, we dive deep into the fascinating concepts of fixed mindset versus growth mindset. We shed light on how having a fixed mindset can inadvertently restrict opportunities and create a sense of scarcity, while adopting a growth mindset can unlock abundance and open doors to new possibilities. Throughout the episode, we unravel concrete examples of how a fixed mindset can manifest itself in our lives. From feeling the need to compete with similar businesses to believing that our family's genetic makeup predisposes us to certain health issues, these fixed thinking patterns can hold us back. We also explore the personal journey of renowned artist Alicia Keys, who faced her own struggles with a scarcity mindset early on in her career.  Enjoy! Head to the link below to participate in our 5 Day Challenge!   Do you enjoy the podcast? If so, leave us a 5-star review on iTunes and tell a friend to