D And D Fitness Radio's Show

Episode 157 - Matt Wenning: The Mechanics of Strength and Power



In Episode 157, we are fortunate to get some time speaking with Matt Wenning. Although Matt has tremendous experience in the sport of powerlifting and the physical preparation of athletes, he also has extensive experience in the restoration, repair and engineering of motor vehicles. We talk about his current automotive projects, as well as how he translates those skills and concepts to strength training. The details of Matt’s education and career development are inspiring, as well as his focus and discipline around becoming a better athlete and coach. Matt Wenning is a three-time world champion powerlifter. He holds a Master’s Degree in Biomechanics and a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science from Ball State University. Matt grew up in Indiana, raised by a hard-working, middle class family. When he was six years old, Matt was hit by a car going 50 mph, which took a toll on his physical development. After undergoing 12 months of full leg casts and 12 months in a boot, his legs were underdeveloped. Four years