Mangala Shri Bhuti - The Link

Sangha and Serendipity: Inspiration to Stay on the Path (Link #678)



Speaker: Samuel Gates. Sam shared his experiences where he allowed serendipity to guide him on the spiritual path. Attending this year's Nyingma Summer Seminar, being with Sangha and offering his service restored something in him. Being seen and heard by others on the same path inspired him to prioritize his spiritual practice more often. He acknowledged how the power of coming together with like-minded people provides motivation and inspiration for practice. Growing up in a Christian family, Sam heard his mother use the words "God Winks" to describe a sense of being called, which he experienced as serendipitous events that have guided him. Sam embodies these many experiences with a sense of adventure and gratitude, and shared that as he opens to them, over time, more and more is revealed.