We Don't Die® Radio Show With Host Sandra Champlain

401 Theresa Cheung - Best-selling Author, Podcast Host, Dream Expert & so much more!



Theresa Cheung is a best-selling author of many, many books and oracle cards and an expert in the fields of dreams, spirituality, intuition and the science of consciousness.  Some of her titles include: “The Dream Dictionary from A to Z,” “The Encyclopedia of Birthdays” and her latest “Empower Your Inner Psychic” (Find her books at Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/47npEWp ) Theresa is the host of the ‘White Shores’ podcast sharing inspiration on personal growth and how to create the infinite life of your dreams. Listen at https://www.theresacheung.com/my-podcast/  Theresa is extra special to me as she and I SHARE the same birthday of April 8th! Go Aries!You can find out more about her and all that she is up to at  https://www.theresacheung.com *Enjoying this? Also listen to Sandra's other show on iHeartRadio and the Coast to Coast AM Network: https://bit.ly/ShadesoftheAfterlife  **Join the supportive and loving, We Don't Die Listeners Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/wedontdielisteners/  ***Would