Spirit Girls With Jessica Reid

EP 214 : How Abundance Relates To All 7 Chakras (So You Can Open Your Whole Channel To Abundance + Flow!)



Hey Spirit Girls! Lately I've been exploring my new relationship woth abundance, Previously it's been connected to making money through my business, Now it's more from a space of the soft feminine and receptivity...Then the other day I got a download from my Spirit Guides on how abundance relates to each chakra, What we can align / open up in each energy centre - So that there can be a flow through our whole channel!In this episode I do a full breakdown of each chakra and it's connection to abundance / money, So that you can intuitively notice which insights might be helpful for you to work on (alchemise.)Here's a breif bullet point list so that you can get a sneak peak!Base Chakra : Foundational survival, Saftey + Security of financesSacral Chakra : Divine Feminine feeling creative + Pleasured with moneySolar Plexus : Worthiness, Values being invested in, Power, Divine Masculine, Structure of how money is managed, Responsibility, Taking action to generate income, Being provided for by the masculineHeart Chak