An Interview With Melissa Llarena

199: Keeping Latinx Food Traditions And Navigating Your Family's Health with Dr. Sabrina Falquier



Are we connected on Instagram yet? Say hi over here: Welcome to episode 199. If you've ever tried to eat more healthy than perhaps your parents or than might be common in cultural dishes, then this is the conversation for you. I would say that this conversation with Dr. Sabrina Falquier is extremely important as many of us are making different choices than our parents when it comes to nutrition and wellness. In my case, my dishes look unlike those of my grandmothers who ate white rice and wouldn’t ever think about adding chia seeds to their beans! And this is why this chat is really relevant because she brings such a wonderful perspective being a physician and a mom and someone who was born and raised in Mexico. In this conversation, we spoke about several things, whether it was the choices that doctors have to make as it relates to patient visits and how short of a time they have to share their wisdom on food. As well as some of the reasons why Dr. Sabrina decided to