Tucker's Dj Mixtape Podcast

Akron Square Nightclub 02.29.2016



I found this buried on my hard drive. This is my open-to-close set at Akron’s Square Nightclub in Highland Square on February 19th, 2016. This was a fun gig I held down for a few years after it fell into my lap. I used to play deep cuts and hipster stuff for the heck of it at Square and set up the main DJs who were in regular rotation. They used to, sorta, start later and later since someone was already there (me) who set up the booth and made sure the subs were bumping and not overheating since I’d aim fans at them and stuff, like the true gear nerd that I am. One day, DJ Robin, originally scheduled to take over at 11 PM, couldn’t make it, and I ended up filling in. In no time, I settled into a weekly routine of subbing for either Robin or the other main DJ (whose name escapes me even after all these years). Even though Square is known as an LGBT bar, it also serves as the only dance floor in Highland Square. As the night progresses, the crowd changes from older gay patrons to bridesmaids, then to 30-year