Bethel Crc Lacombe

September 24, 2023 Broken Signposts: Justice



Today we will begin a series based on N.T Wright’s book Broken Signposts. As Wright recognizes, “signposts name a reality and point us in a direction.” The signposts we will reflect on point to deep meaning that help us understand the world and its challenges. However, these signposts are broken and let us down. This is why we will turn to the Gospel of John to show us how these themes point us to Jesus and the kingdom of heaven. We will reflect on John 3:16-21; Broken Signposts – Justice. Jesus is sent to the world not to condemn it, but to save the world through Himself. We know that things aren’t the way they should be in our world and that injustice is all around us. Something needs to be done to make things right, but what? Jesus came to shine His light into the darkness and invite those who love the darkness to come into His light