Lash Anarchy

Navigating Rough Waters



Have you ever been forced to reconsider your choices due to unforeseen circumstances? The storm brought about a whirlwind of changes, including questioning my choice of living near the beach. The flood had a palpable impact, not just physically but emotionally and financially too. As I grappled with my flood insurance and the stark realization that it doesn't cover everything inside the house, the idea of moving away from the beach began to solidify. Come along as we explore new neighborhoods, weigh options, and envision a suburban haven for my family.Life has a funny way of serving up experiences that change us forever. Recounting a near-death experience on my 37th birthday, I found myself grappling with fear, disbelief, and a sudden sense of urgency to merge my company with Lash Bomb. The thought of working with my mom was a little daunting I must admit, but change often comes wrapped in anxiety. Yet, amidst all the chaos, I found a beacon of hope – the prospect of focusing on design and marketing for