City Church Garland

The Loving Father & The Wayward Sons- Keith Dollar



God loves us more than we realize and He waits for us to return to Him when we stray. He then celebrates when we return to Him. In Luke 15 Jesus told a story about a compassionate father that loved his sons greatly, even though they strayed from him. One son requested his inheritance early before his father passed away and he went and squandered that wealth. When he fell upon hard times he realized that life would be much better back at home with his father. So he returned hoping to just be an employee for his father but his father rejoiced and threw a party upon his return. This son was reconciled and restored to his place in his family upon his return. Though there was a great party over the return of the younger son, the elder brother was angry about the his younger brother being accepted back into the family and getting a celebration. The older brother's response revealed a disconnect with his father who he had served diligently and faithfully for many years. The older son proved to be just as wayward in