City Church Garland

Doing the Work of the Lord- 1 Corinthians 15:58



In 1 Corinthians 15:58 we see that God calls His people to faithfully and increasingly partner with Him in His meaningful work in the world. From 1 Corinthians chapter 15 Pastor Keith explains that the gospel is the foundation for doing the work of the Lord. God's love is the motivator and His grace is the energizer for doing the work of the Lord. Whatever labor that is not done in love, energized by grace and built upon the foundation of the gospel will prove to be vain. But that labor which is done in the Lord will not be in vain because there truly is a resurrection and eternal rewards that will be given at the resurrection. The "work of the Lord" is doing God's will which is revealed in Scripture, following His way with the guidance of the Spirit, all for God' glory and for the good of others.