Tribe Byron Bay

Episode 152: Maria Mason - Missional Community: The Kingdom Economy - Part 2 - God is Lavish and Generous Towards Us - 17 September 2023



In our new series, we dive into messages and conversations on how to be a missional community. For us to grow and prosper, both individually and corporately, God wants to resource us with His Kingdom economy. This week, Maria takes us on a journey about the lavish generosity of God. In 1 John 3:1 we read:“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God - and that is what we are!”God is a generous Father who never does anything sparingly. He’s not a tight-fisted god who gives only when we’ve earned something or have impressed him in some way. Humans, however, are not generous until they choose to model themselves on something! In the kingdom, we model ourselves on Jesus! Missional community is a demonstration of the lavish love of the Father.There are three things we can do to break scarcity:1. Before we can address that, we have to expose the devil daily as He attacks God's nature with accusations in this area.2. Generosity is the path to blessing. To break the fear